Three Muses Writing > 2014 > February
Monthly Archive: February 2014
Lou Nell Gerard
February 21, 2014
March. The end of February…a dark flat gray month, long in spite of its truncated number of days. March. “My” month…our wedding anniversary is in March, my birthday is in March, my SAD begins to lift in March. March. Named…
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Lou Nell Gerard
February 14, 2014
Have you ever noticed how in some movies “sense of place” is so powerful, so much a part of the story, essential to it that this place looms as large in your memory as a favorite scene, actor, bit of…
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Lou Nell Gerard
February 7, 2014
In “Life Without a Soundtrack” I spoke about how integral music is to me. Today I share one of the many songs that my internal DJ plays with some frequency, “Uncle John’s Band”, Grateful Dead, music and lyrics by Jerry…
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